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    ​Reducing Alcohol Related Harm​

  • Welcome to Reducing Alcohol Related Harm website

    Welcome to RARHA website

    Reducing Alcohol Related Harm

  • Welcome to Reducing Alcohol Related Harm website

    Welcome to RARHA website

    Reducing Alcohol Related Harm​



European Expert Meeting

Rome November 4th (9.00 to 17.00)

Low risk drinking guidelines and standard drink definitions.
Science underpinnings and public health policy implications
for alcohol related harm reduction

9:30  Registration and Welcome coffee

10:00  Welcome and Introduction. Chair: Emanuele Scafato, Istituto Superiore di Sanità
Opening speech . Beatrice Lorenzin, Minister of Health, Italy (TBC)
- Walter Ricciardi, Istituto Superiore di Sanità, Commissioner
- Philippe Roux, European Commission, Head of DG Health and Consumers Unit C-4 Health Determinants
- Manuel Cardoso, RARHA Coordinator

10:15  Low risk drinking guidelines in Europe: results from RARHA survey – E. Scafato, Istituto Superiore
di Sanità, Italy

10:45  Drinking guidelines used in the context of early identification and brief interventions: results from EUDrinking guidelines used in the context of early identification and brief interventions: results from EU
RARHA survey – E. Scafato, Istituto Superiore di Sanità, Italy

11:15  Standard drink definitions in EU – Sandra Coughlan/Joseph Doyle, Health Service Executive, Ireland

11:45  What does WHO recommend in terms of drinking guidelines? “Less is better”

12:15  How do drinking guidelines fit in the picture of cost-effective approaches to reduce alcohol related harm?How do drinking guidelines fit in the picture of cost-effective approaches to reduce alcohol related harm?
– OECD Health Division, TBC

12:30  General Discussion. Should harmonizing low risk drinking guidelines be a goal in the EU?

13:00  Lunch break

14:00  How can science help set low risk guidelines in European countries? New data from 7 European countries with
diverse drinking habits and potential implications – J. Rehm Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, Canada

15:00  Setting low risk drinking guidelines: the Italian experience – L. Rossi , CRA, Italy

15:30  Informing people about standard drinks and total review of drinking guidelines: ten years of experience in
Denmark – Kit Broholm Health and Medicines Authority, Denmark
16:00  General discussion. What are the most important public health policy implications for the use of drinkingGeneral discussion. What are the most important public health policy implications for the use of drinking
guidelines to reduce alcohol related harm – Marjatta Montonen WP5 Coordination
16:20  The way forward – JA RARHA WP5 coordination
17:00  Closure of the meeting
4/11/2014 Events