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    ​Reducing Alcohol Related Harm​

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    Welcome to RARHA website

    Reducing Alcohol Related Harm

  • Welcome to Reducing Alcohol Related Harm website

    Welcome to RARHA website

    Reducing Alcohol Related Harm​



Kick-off Meeting, Lisbon 2014
Closing Statement
"As you all know RARHA is coordinated by Portugal and 32 entities from EU Member States participate as Associated Partners and 28 Collaborating Partners, representing 27 Member States plus Iceland, Norway and Switzerland. Participants are public entities, NGO’s, Universities, as well as International Organisations, such as, the EMCDDA, WHO, Pompidou Group and OECD. 
I would like to stress the support of CNAPA members to the Joint Action, representing their governments, namely by financing it in a higher percentage than the contribution from the European Commission.
Previous to this Kick Off, we had 3 meetings:
- A meeting of the Dissemination Work Package on the 28th January, where SICAD, as leader of the Work Package presented RARHA identity manual and a proposal for RARHA website image. The first RARHA news letter will be available in June 2014.
- A meeting of the Management Group on the 29th January, comprising the Coordination Team, the Work Package Leader’s and co-leaders, which has a general oversight role over Action progress and it is responsible for the execution and implementation of the Action.
During the meeting a draft of the Consortium Agreement was discussed and it will be approved by the end of February.
The Consortium Agreement is a legal agreement between the 32 Associated Partners, which specify the relationship among the Parties, in particular concerning the organization of the work, the management of the Action and the rights and obligations of the Parties.
- Yesterday a meeting of the Steering Group took place, comprising all the Associated Partners. The SG is the supervisory body for the execution of the Action and will steer the Action regarding main objectives and goals. During yesterday’s meeting the Work Package Leaders had the opportunity to present the main objectives of each Work Package and to discuss in parallel sessions with the partners the work plan and activities foreseen.
- Concerning today’s Kick Off meeting, I would like to highlight 3 interventions:
The European Commission reiterated its engagement and support in helping all the Member States involved in the Joint Action to further develop and improve the capacity to reduce alcohol related harm;
The EMCDDA Director referred to the increasing convergence in public health policy and research on drugs and alcohol. He also mentioned that this kind of project highlights the willingness and readiness of the EU Member States and the European and international community to respond to alcohol and alcohol-related problems them.
The Portuguese Health Minister urged that with the expressed political will and within the existing framework it is time to have a new EU Alcohol Strategy, which will contribute to the health and wellbeing of EU citizens.
To conclude, allow me to remind the main results expected from the Joint Action:
     1. a common survey methodology to obtain comparable data for monitoring progress in reducing alcohol related harm;
     2. consensus on low risk drinking guidelines;
     3. a Tool–Kit of good practice approaches.
We look forward to continue working during the next 3 years to achieve the proposed results."
Manuel Cardoso - RARHA Executive Coordinator 
28/4/2014 LATEST NEWS